my sister's keeper summary essay

When her brother, Jesse, does not match her for bone marrow donation, their mother Sara has the idea to get pregnant with a baby who is a genetic match for Kate. Looking for a flexible role? From the moment Anna was born she was subjected to multiple procedures in order to help treat her sister. Anna also does all she can to help her sister. Everyone in the family despairs about Kate’s illness and Anna’s lawsuit, but they have different perspectives. She would like to become a ballerina if she grows up because she believes they have control over their bodies. The parents of the siblings are Sara and Brian Fitzgerald and their daughter Kate Fitzgerald has suffered from leukemia for a long period of time. Kate’s illness can be compared to a fire because it is out of control and destroys everything in its path. It is an underpass where a homeless man lives. One of the costs of Sara’s focused assault on Kate’s disease is the loss of closeness with Jesse. At first, Sara can not understand why Anna is doing this and estranges herself from Brian, but after all the facts are revealed at the hearing, she understands the conflicts involved and how Anna is her own person who can make her own choices and that Kate can make her own choices, too. She was hurt when Campbell abandoned her. This book starts off with the main character Anna Fitzgerald selling a prized possession that her mother gave her. His epilepsy and, therefore, the reason for the dog, is revealed in court. Kate has one chapter, and it is the final one. My Sister’s Keeper Jodi Picoult’s ‘My sister’s keeper’ is a novel based on conflicts surrounding the main character, Anna Fitzgerald. Brian says a fire should be allowed to burn unchecked. Jesse seems like an unlikable person, but his thoughts and actions show his pain over Kate’s illness and his helplessness. Though Brian and Sara have their problems, they work together to keep the family together amidst the disruptive force of Kate’s illness. After Anna’s birth, he feels useless because he is the sibling that cannot help. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating The homeless man, Duracell Dan’s, place at the underpass is where the rest of Jesse’s materials are kept. This situation brings up the ethical dilemma: Should Kate be allowed to die when a measure can be taken to save her life? The constellation resembles arms tied together. Ethics - My Sisters Keeper 3273 Words | 14 Pages “My Sister’s Keeper” Iris van der Heijden BBA Group B Final Essay Ethics 21.11.11 In an episode of the American TV-show “Heroes” one of the characters gives a speech about how it is not possible to live a life of happiness and a life of meaning at the same time. New York: Atria. Her mom’s name is Sara and her dad’s name is Brian. It is clear from the storyline that he is neglected by his parents due to them being focued on Kate and has spent most of his life being shunned away. The ethical issue of breeding Anna as a Donor for Kate. Kate uses it, along with the language of a frustrated teenager, who is concerned about appearance and dating. One striking feature of My Sister’s Keeper is the way Picoult uses multiple first-person narrators to tell the story. It is in Dr. Chance’s office that Sara gets the idea of having another child. An editor Andromeda “Anna” Fitzgerald: Anna was born with the purpose to safe her sister Kate, now she is thirteen and she doesn’t want to do it anymore so she decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. The use of multiple voices allows readers the ability to understand the situations from different standpoints. Than the doctor finds a solution, but not a common one. Isobel is Julia’s identical twin sister and roommate. Her family’s life has been focused on Kate’s illness and its potential recurrence during times of remission, since before Anna was born. Whenever someone asks why he has a service dog, he gives an obviously untrue answer. Julia’s role as a sister is shown with her twin, Isobel. He is referring to Kate’s illness in that they should let it run its course without interference. My Sister’s Keeper In the movie that we watch called my “Sister’s Keeper” we are introduced to a family who have two children and both very young age, when the little girl is diagnose with a type of cancer. “Most babies are accidents, not me. He serves Sara with papers related to Anna’s lawsuit. This is where Brian works and where he and Anna live to give Anna some distance from her mother and the case. Several characters use flashbacks and flash-forwards as part of their narratives. Kate struggles with being a normal teenager and having cancer because her appearance is affected, and her first boyfriend had cancer and died. Anna seeks help from a lawyer, Campbell Alexander, to gain control over her body so she can stop being a donor to Kate. ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ | Summary. Campbell and Julia’s professional and personal stories and sections of the past about their teen relationship are mixed in. This is where the hearing is. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Sara has controlled all she could to keep Kate alive, without truly examining the consequences to herself and her family. He moves her into the fire station so she can have some distance from the home situation. The narrative of My Sisters Keeper alternates between first-person accounts by the novels different characters. She begins with Kate’s diagnosis and goes through the milestones of Kate’s illness. He is trying to put out the home fires, which include Kate’s illness, Anna’s lawsuit, Sara’s stubbornness, and Jesse’s troubles. Jesse point out to Anna before she begins the lawsuit that the siblings have their own roles in the family–he as the troublemaker, Kate as the martyr, and Anna as the peacemaker. The book is set in Providence, Rhode Island. He makes jokes when people ask him about it. Anonymous "My Sister’s Keeper Summary". Kate Fitzgerald was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of two. The only major character in the book who does not get a voice in the main chapters is Kate. Get Your Custom Essay on My Sister's Keeper Just from $13,9/Page. Brian uses his firefighter language to demonstrate situations. There is an epilogue by Kate set in a time in the future. The bulk of the story takes place in the present, in a one-and-a-half week stretch of time. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! After Anna’s unexpected death, the family grieves separately but eventually grows closer again. He stashes the materials Jesse uses for arson. The Fitzgerald house, which includes Jesse’s apartment, is another setting. Sara’s chapters are flashbacks titled by years until her chapter called Present Day where she joins the present. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Throughout the book, she imagines herself in outlandish adventure roles, and after winning the hearing, Campbell thinks she will have fantastic roles in 10 years. Brian is really conflicted on the matter. Anna’s true motivation in her quest for medical emancipation is yet another ethical dilemma. My Sister's Keeper, written by Jodi Picoult, is about a family struggling to save their daughter from leukemia. Sara only responds to the latest crisis and the best solution at hand. In the end, Anna is given medical emancipation via a court of law and Alexander Campbell is given power of attorney over Anna's medical affairs. Explore the suitability of the title My Sister’s Keeper In this novel, Kate Fitzgerald has deteriorating health and her parents decide to have another sibling as a savior to … She is close to her sister, Suzanne, who is a career woman. They get married. Anna meets Alexander Campbell who takes on Anna's case as it will provide him with further publicity. Suzanne is Sara’s older sister. Meanwhile, Anna and Kate's brother Jesse, frequently causes trouble and sets fire to buildings. I think that the decisions that Anna and Kate made, to lie to their parents about the reason behind suing of their parents shows us that a sister bond can’t be broken, and they would do anything and everything for one another. The class differences between Campbell and Julia and the other students’ reactions to their relationship occur at the school. The Wheeler School is the private high school where Campbell and Julia met. Published: 14th Dec 2017 in However, as Alexander drives Anna home, they collide with another car and have an accident. Suzanne is Sara’s rescuer. Sara analyzes words as she ponders situations. Kate is aware of the toll her illness has had on everyone and she seems tired of fighting. He develops a drinking problem after Anna’s death but conquers it. He talks about cultures looking between the stars and realizes he has been looking at the wrong things. Kate’s fire is stopped, and she becomes healthy because of the kidney transplant. At 16, Kate is cancer free, but the treatments have affected her kidneys, and she needs a kidney transplant. Her father, Brian, is a firefighter, and her mother, Sara, is a housewife who used to be a lawyer. This is where he confronts his son. Flashbacks look back in time, while flash-forwards describe future events. The reader sees how Sara and Brian relate with each other:... My Sister's Keeper study guide contains a biography of Jodi Picoult, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Brian gives the locket to Anna as a child after one of her donations. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Hope is what he has left as Kate’s father. Even Julia, the court-appointed guardian of Anna’s interests, cannot make a decision on what should be done. Brian is a firefighter. This applies to how oblivious parents, especially Anna and Campbell’s, can be to their children. At the hearing, however, he changes his mind and wants Anna to donate. All work is written to order. *You can also browse our support articles here >. The chapters are not numbered. Her two older siblings are Jesse and Kate. Up until her chapter, she was always a character seen by everyone else. Since she was born, Anna has undergone a number of painful procedures to save Kate’s life. The novel “My Sister’s Keeper” revolves on how Kate was diagnosed by doctors in 1990 when she was only two years old with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. Jodi Picoult. She and Brian become a stronger couple, and she makes peace with Anna before her death. She wants Suzanne to be her rescuer, and she wants Anna to be Kate’s rescuer. The hospital obviously saves Kate’s life. Nearly every major character in My Sister’s Keeper is looking for control over some part of their existence in the face of disease. The result is that Kate has lived longer than her doctor ever expected, but at the cost of a balanced family. As she works with him on Anna’s case, she is attracted to him even though she tries to resist it. Kate wanted her sister to be free of obligations to her. Campbell has the lawyer role as he panders to the media and questions the witnesses at the hearing. Print Word PDF. Izzy wants to protect her from Campbell. On the rooftop, he can practice his astronomy hobby. (703) Anna tries to figure out language, too. Since Anna was born, she had a lot of operations to save her sister. For example, she talks about how there is no word for a parent whose child dies. The author shows how much complexity and difficulty is added to the relations between the family’s members, when one of them has a serious illness. At the heart of My Sister’s Keeper is an ethical dilemma: Should thirteen-year-old Anna be forced to give her kidney to her dying sister? He grows closer to his wife as they learn how the medical issues have overshadowed their marriage. As Brian’s wife and Kate, Jesse, and Anna’s mother, she does everything she can to keep her family together. The reader can see the effects of Kate's illness on the Fitzgerald family. My sister’s keeper ethical issues. After he has a breakthrough with his father, he goes from arsonist to police officer or savior. The way Sara sees Kate’s cancer and Anna’s lawsuit is quite different from Anna’s viewpoint, Jesse’s position, and Campbell’s and Julia’s judgment. Anna is in the donor role for her sister when she would rather be in the role of a teenager who has friends and plays hockey. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Campbell and Anna’s secrets are revealed here. She had a bad breakup and cautions Julia against Campbell. Anna’s real name comes from a constellation named Andromeda, whose story is she is punished because of her mother, but she is rescued. Sara, Kate, and Anna have as much medical knowledge about Kate’s condition as anyone else. What seemed to be a selfish act of a child was really the love of a sister. Kate's health is not improving and Brian and Sara are desperate to help her. By getting Anna not to donate a kidney, Kate can be Anna’s savior, and they would have reversed roles for once. She is with him in the wreck that ultimately kills her. Her father, Brian, is a firefighter, and her mother, Sara, is a housewife who used to be a lawyer. Some of the passages preceding the sections make astronomical references. The rooftop is a favorite place to watch the stars. The passages that preface each section concern fire. Julia goes to the gay bar Shakespeare’s Cat to forget Campbell. He is with Jesse at one of his fires and tells Jesse a homeless man is in the burning building. At the hearing, she is unable to pick a side. Anna is more mature than her age and often ponders deep questions about her sister’s illness and her role in it. While it is later revealed that she actually filed the suit at Kate’s behest, Anna is still looking to control the situation to give her sister what she wants. He has suffered from epileptic seizures since the age of eighteen, but he keeps his condition a secret. For example, Anna’s thoughts reveal her maturity beyond her 13 years. Close sisterly relationships permeate the book, including Anna and Kate’s and Sara and Suzanne’s. None of these ethical dilemmas is allowed to reach its full conclusion in the story. In fact, she has tried to kill herself before. Chance, Kate's oncologist, suggests designer in vitro fertilization. Her father tries to look after her as well as Kate, and she bonds with Jesse because they both feel like they don’t fit in. The author shows Brian’s conflict over supporting his children when the family is in a divisive crisis. She believes that one sister had to die for the other to survive, another ethical conundrum. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Legal language is used in the petition and in the hearing. He controlled the situation because he believed she should be free of the burden of caring for someone with his condition. ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN MY SISTERS KEEPER. She explains that the only reason she was born was to be Kate’s donor. They are well explained. The story of Adam and Eve is referred to as a load of crap. Through her family, she healed. Sara has spent her life since the diagnosis of Kate’s cancer trying to control the disease as well as Kate’s life. Jesse is the oldest child in the Fitzgerald family. His suggestions of how Anna can donate to Kate start there. Picoult emphasizes the differences in these voices through the use of different fonts for different characters. She talks about how stars are there even if one cannot see them. Kate's health is not improving and Brian and Sara are desperate to help her. As such, Anna Fitzgerald is born and for many years she was happy to give whatever she could to help her sister's deteriorating health. She has to make a report about which side she supports. Jodi Picoult's 2004 novel "My Sister's Keeper" puts across an account involving ethical dilemmas and ethical thinking that are likely to trigger intense feelings in readers. Julia is the guardian ad litem assigned to represent Anna in the hearing. Julia has a mediator role as Anna’s guardian ad litem and a romantic role with Campbell after she learns the truth. Anna knows she cannot control her mother, her family, or her sister’s illness, but she seeks control of her own destiny. Sara has done everything in her power, including creating Anna, in an attempt to control Kate’s destiny. The story of Orpheus illustrates how death is inevitable. Anna is a 13-year-old girl from a middle-class family in Rhode Island. Jodi Picoult’s novel, My Sister’s Keeper, introduces many complex themes such as ethical dilemmas, medical autonomy and justice. She was a rebel as a teenager from a large, poor family and has turned into a responsible adult. The doctors inform Brian and Sara that Anna is brain-dead and will not be able to recover. Kate cannot tell her mother that she does not want to have the transplant. The Question and Answer section for My Sister’s Keeper is a great She is a single, career woman who lives a different life than Sara. The fire station is a setting where Brian works, and he and Anna live to get away from the lawsuit at home. The judge rules for Anna, but after Anna dies in a wreck, Kate gets Anna’s kidney. Chemo scores. As neither her parents, firefighter Brian and lawyer Sara, nor older brother Jesse are a genetic match, Dr. Anna seeks a lawyer who is able to get her medical empanciation from her parents. The medical settings are Kate’s hospital room and Dr. Chance’s office, which are both located in Providence hospital. My Sister's Keeper: A . Anna is also a patient here as a donor. Not affiliated with Harvard College. The lawsuit is Anna’s way of resisting her lifelong role. He seems cold and calculating at first by being single-minded about Anna’s case and pandering to the media. Company Registration No: 4964706. Kate and Sara would like control of the opposite sides of the same coin. Picoult could have made this Kate’s story since it is the central issue, but she allows the characters to share their own stories. SUMMARY. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on He plays with fire because he can control it. Brian is a rescuer on the job and in his family. The other characters have more than one chapter each. She demonstrates that she expects sisters to help each other as her sister, Suzanne, helps her. The importance of familial, especially sibling, relationships is another underlying theme of My Sister’s Keeper. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The characters in the book play different roles. My Sister's Keeper is the story of Anna Fitzgerald, who by the age of thirteen has undergone many blood transfusions, numerous surgeries, and multiple bone marrow transplants. Kate Fitzgerald was diagnosed suffering from leukemia when she was 2 years old. The result is a rounded, dramatic narrative. She has a sister and a brother. I was engineered, born to save my sister’s life.”. Jesse lives in an adjoining apartment. Brian’s talking about watching supernovas dies is comparable to the family and others watching Kate die. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Even though his sister-in-law Suzanne can help the family financially, he wants to be the provider. Campbell is the lawyer Anna Fitzgerald asks to represent her in her lawsuit against her parents. Fire is a theme in the book, and Jesse shows the negative side of fire. After the lawsuit begins, Sara tries to balance being a mother to Anna and a lawyer on the opposing side of the lawsuit. His hobby is astronomy, and he makes astronomical references that can relate to his own life. Indeed, Anna was created to be a perfect sibling match for Kate. Toward the end, Isobel and Campbell seem to come to an understanding. Consider the theme of family relations. Anna's mother, Sara, is furious at this as she wants Anna to give her kidney to Kate. Julia is able to see the Fitzgeralds objectively, so the reader gets an unbiased stranger’s view. Jesse is an adult who has had a troubled past and lives in an apartment at the family house. Beginning with the harvest of her umbilical cord at birth, over the next 11 years Anna donates compatible organs, blood, stem cells and tissue to Kate. The reader sees Sara’s desperation to heal Kate at all costs and the epiphany she has during the hearing. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. It is assumed Anna will be the donor, but she files a lawsuit to gain control over her body so she can stop donating. The ethics of Breeding . She was shattered by Anna’s death and hoped for her return. This puts a strain on Brian and Sara’s marriage, and they just talk about the medical issues. She prepares to question Brian and notices all of the qualities that made her fall in love with him. The doctors said to Sara and Brian, her parents, that there is maybe a solution to save Kate; have a genetic baby. The characters’ thoughts allow the readers to understand them; their dialogue does not sufficiently describe the characters. Each chapter in the book is told from the first person point of view. After Anna’s death, Brian thinks about how the brightness of a star can overshadow another star, and when the other star is seen, it is too late. The Fitzgeralds went to a geneticist who created several embryos with the couple’s sperm and eggs, then figured out which one matched Kate. The courthouse saves the Fitzgerald family and Campbell and Julia’s relationship. My Sister's Keeper Essay. My sisters keeper is a novel written by Jodi Picoult first published in 2004. His softer side is revealed through Julia, Anna’s guardian ad litem, and the flashbacks to their teen romance. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The other characters have more than one chapter each. The plot zigzags back and forth between the present and the past; it depends on the speaker. After Anna’s death, Kate reveals that her father said he could see Anna reincarnated in the stars. She had told Julia she wanted to be a ballerina because she could have control over her body. My Sister's Keeper (2004) is the eleventh novel by the American author, Jodi Picoult.It tells the story of thirteen-year-old Anna Fitzgerald, who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she discovers she is supposed to donate a kidney to her elder sister Kate, who is gradually dying from acute leukemia. this section. The reader sees Campbell and Julia’s thoughts on the lawsuit and also their feelings about each other. He donates platelets to Kate anonymously. Kate’s cancer goes into remission, and she has a normal life. One issue that shapes many of the characters and situations in the novel is that of control. Their names are Kate and Jesse. While rescuing Campbell from his seizure, he thinks about how astronomy of the past makes astronomy today inaccurate and says it is because the earth’s axis shakes. The fire station is a rescue place in different ways. Anna also mixes it with her own concerns about her life outside Kate. All the main characters narrate a chapter. The apartment is part of the Fitzgerald house. This is how Anna was born, she was … Kate, her sister, is in the end stages of kidney failure, and … will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. Jesse projects a tough-guy image to everyone with crude language, but his thoughts reveal his softer feelings about his family. Anna’s lawsuit brings all these issues and the ethical dilemma to the forefront. Campbell and Julia’s chapters are in the present, but they have flashbacks to their time together in high school. Her two older siblings are Jesse and Kate. This tells the reader the life-shaking events of the book such as Kate’s illness and Campbell’s condition affects the perceptions of the people involved. Campbell’s tough side as a lawyer and softer side with Julia are in his chapters. Anna, who had always felt invisible in her family, ends up being a heroine. At the time, there was public controversy over their decision because Anna was seen as a “designer baby.” The ethical debate led to a talk show appearance for the couple, as well as hate mail. Vern is a sheriff and friend of the Fitzgerald family. Brain connects fire to the story of Pandora ‘s Box and hope. He is the product of a wealthy background with parents who are shallow. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. More than anyone else in the family, Sara sees no ethical dilemmas, neither in how Anna was created nor in making Anna suffer to try to keep Kate alive. In turn, Anna helps her brother get out of jail when he is arrested for stealing the judge’s vehicle. Sara continues the theme by comparing Kate’s sick face to the moons Brian likes, moons that are “still, remote, cold.”(118) Anna refers to the pleasant memory of catching stars after learning she can stay at the fire station. The story introduces Anna Fitzgerald, a thirteen year old girl, as the protagonist. Brian and Sara, Kate’s parents, try everything they can, but nothing seems to work. Although Kate goes through tough times in her hospital room, Anna goes there to visit her sister despite the lawsuit. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous The story is about the Fitzgerald family. Getting ready for the last day of the trial, Campbell, Brian, Jesse, Anna, and Sara note that it is raining at the beginnings of their chapters. Anna did many procedures, endured pain, gave cells, bone marrow and blood to her sister, Kate. She is close to her twin sister. Campbell is similar in that he acts like the tough lawyer, but his flashbacks to Julia and his present-day thoughts unveil his romantic side. Anna is severely injured and is taken to hospital. Anna is born, and she donates to Kate on several occasions. In the prologue, she talks about how she imagined killing her sister and that she only existed i. He is a firefighter who loves his job. He allowed his condition to end his high school romance with Julia without telling her why. Julia lives here with her twin sister, Isobel. My Sister's Keeper - Jesse Summary & Analysis. This is where she and her sister talk about Campbell. Julia goes to a bar called Shakespeare’s Cat to try to escape Campbell. He becomes a police officer and wins an award. She is on the opposite side from her mother in the case, but they are still a close mother and daughter. Brian is a dependable husband to Sara and father to Kate, Jesse, and Anna. A pet Kate got for her birthday. Both Brian and Sara have given up on Jesse, who repeatedly acts out. From items in the apartment and other clues, Brian figures out that Jesse is the arsonist. Sara has conflicts with the mother/lawyer role. Campbell points out at the hearing that people are not obligated to rescue by sharing a story of a homeless woman who let people die in a fire. Brian reclaims control over his son when he finds evidence that Jesse set fires. The fire station saves Brian and Anna. Research and define the following terms as they relate to the legal and medical ethics presented in the story My Sister's Keeper. How has Anna developed throughout the story so far ? Trying to save their daughter, Kate’s parents, Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric), decide to have another baby whom they name Anna. This forces Jesse to save the man. When necessary, taking from Anna to give to Kate is no dilemma for her. It is a story about a family almost torn apart by illness of one daughter and the intended medical emancipation of another daughter who is tired of being a donor to her sick sister. Anna compares her initiating the lawsuit to fire. Anna’s business relationship with Campbell grows into a more personal one. But she knows that she is alive because Anna died. Anna's life machine is switched off and her kidney is successfully transplanted to Kate, who manages to live for a few more years as a result of the transplantation. Kate is 16 and has recuperated from leukemia, but the treatments have hurt her kidneys, and she needs a kidney transplant. He marries her. He is around during the hearing and provides assistance to the family and Campbell. They even have their own fonts. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous. Campbell’s apartment is part of the story because it is described as being modern and up-to-date but not warm like Campbell at first. Ethical Issues in the Movie “My Sister’s Keeper” Ethical Issues in the Movie “My Sister’s Keeper” There are following ethical issues in the in the movie . The novel ends with Anna suffering an injury that leads to brain death. The needs of Kate and her illness are put above all else, with Sara diligently guarding those interests at the expense of her husband and other children. When Julia requests information about Anna’s whereabouts, Jesse asks if he is his sister’s keeper. This applies to how Kate overshadowed Anna, and when Anna finally asserts herself, she dies. Sara and Brian’s fire from Kate’s illness and Anna’s lawsuit and death is also contained, and they become a stronger couple. Jesse knows the fires, car theft, and substance abuse are all masks for his pain, but he needs a parent to care about him. It ties much of the past about their teen romance try every treatment.... Anna has undergone a number of painful procedures to save everybody in the book the book, it the. Language of a balanced family a rescuer on the opposing side of fire child dies talks... Lawsuit and also their feelings about his family, or theme of Sisters! 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