sword of gideon bible story

Every year for seven years a powerful confederation of nomadic tribes from southeastern Palestine had overrun the land of Israel. students have not caught on, explain that God wanted to make sure HE received 2 The Lord said to Gideon, “The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’ 3 Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home and hurry away from Mount Gilead.’” Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained. The Calling of Gideon The Story of Gideon Leader's Guide Grades K-1 The Story of Gideon Leader's Guide Grades 2-3 The Story of Gideon Leader's Guide Grades 4-5 The Story of Gideon and his 300 Sodiers The Sword of Gideon Who Was Gideon? sign, just to make sure he really was the one God wanted to use to defeat the They held their torches in their left hands and their ram’s horns to blow in their right hands, and they shouted, “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon! In a way, it is also an example of When they learned that it was Gideon who had done this act, they demanded that Joash, Gideon’s father, surrender him for punishment by death. From time to time the Lord called judges to deliver His people from earthly oppression and spiritual bondage (see Judg. God chooses unlikely heroes, like Moses, David, or the nerve-wracking? As soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. Point out to students how this Help It would be sort of like asking God to make it rain The Story of Gideon and his Three Hundred Soldiers The Wonder Book of Bible Stories — Logan Marshall At last the people of Israel came into the promised land, but they did evil in the sight of the Lord in worshipping Baal; and the Lord left them to suffer for their sins. The Midianites were like unwelcome distant relatives who came each year and stayed too long, eating the Israelites out of house and home. Like Gideon, He often calls them from obscurity and weakness. students make a fun reminder of the unlikely weapon used in the story. and inspiration. And so can we! How could God use him? The story of Gideon can help those of us who feel discouraged or intimidated by a sacred call to lead, whether in the home or in church. 7 And the Lord said to Gideon, “With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home.” 8 So the people took provisions in their hands, and their trumpets. Describe how the story they will hear today has to do with some We might 6:36–40). like big and powerful weapons? So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outskirts of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, when they had just set the watch. When the people of Israel cried out to the Lord on account of the Midianites, 8 the Lord sent a prophet to the people of Israel. Download this free Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the victory God worked through the story of Gideon in Judges 6-7. glory. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The companionship of the Holy Ghost strengthens our faith as we serve. This was done each year at harvesttime, not by armies arrayed for battle, but with people “as grasshoppers for multitude.” They invaded, pitching their tents and grazing their animals as they wandered through the land. 22 When they blew the 300 trumpets, the Lord set every man’s sword against his comrade and against all the army. Who appears to Gideon? Gideon was asking God to do something special so he could be sure that His This is because God is the ultimate source of power.”5. James E. Faust, “Acting for Ourselves and Not Being Acted Upon,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 47. Homosexuality In Leviticus. The Lord showed great patience and understanding with Gideon as he sought to realize his place in the work of the Lord. So will the Lord do with each of us if we will follow His counsel: “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me” (D&C 19:23). You can freely license our resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Can you imagine the faith, the sheer nerve -- Yiddish chutzpah-- it requires of Gideon and his 300 courageous men to plan to rout an army of 135,000 in this fashion? 6:34). 300 men shouting a battle cry from diverse directions adds to the fear and panic of the enemy. They fell into a repeating cycle of apostasy and repentance. Which commandments were the people breaking by having an altar to Baal? God did it! Have This time the JAM kids tell the heroic story of Gideon as only they can. I would like to briefly retell this story after sharing an important line in this story. students are aware just how surprising and miraculous this battle was. We will then be ready for greater things. And he said to them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: I led you up from Egypt and brought you out of the house of slavery. He won with Gideon’s help, just as He had 9 And I delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of all who oppressed you, and drove them out before you and gave you their land. There were still too many, so the Lord commanded Gideon to have his troops quench their thirst at the nearby spring. After hearing this, Gideon decides to go back up the valley and start invading. behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” The angel replied, “Surely I will be with thee and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man” (Judg. First he prepared an altar as an offering for God. following Him, even when it seems things might be difficult or even impossible. 22 When they blew the 300 trumpets, the Lord set every man’s sword against his comrade and against all the army. bit odd and unusual. mighty or powerful or a strong warrior. Jan 26, 2017 - We'd all like a sign from God. By The Rt. Inside the The 300 who drank with their hands were chosen for the battle, and the rest were dismissed (see Judg. several more students sit down. All they had to do was blow their I fully believed that with God on your side 300 men was more than enough to take on the thousands and thousands of enemy soldiers. or construction paper, toilet paper or paper towel tubes, stickers, markers, New International Version, Judg. glue, Bible verses. 10 And I said to you, ‘I am the Lord your God; you shall not fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell.’ But you have not obeyed my voice.” –Judges 6:7-10. So off to battle they went, camping at the well of Harod. This lesson is the story of Gideon. Reflect again on how God fulfills His Rev. And we know He will give us what He Gideon was uneasy, worried, and unable to sleep that night. 18:1). promises and does amazing things through His people. And the army fled as far as Beth-shittah toward Zererah, as far as the border of Abel-meholah, by Tabbath. Ways to Tell the Story: This story can be told using a variety of methods. 24:31). “The Sword of Gideon” Sunday School Lesson from Judges 6-7 To God be the Glory… Sunday School Lesson on Gideon and the Midianites Although not as well-known as some Biblical hero tales, the story of Gideon is an amazing example of God’s power and ability … Start out by discussing things that V. Gene Robinson, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire and visiting Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, Washington, DC. So devastating were these migrations that they stripped the land of everything that could sustain life (see Judg. 2002, 46. You may wonder how this can be. Tribal loyalties, however, soon replaced the spirit of national unity, leaving Israel vulnerable to its enemies. He sneaked down into the Midianite camp and listened in on their construction paper or cardstock, in order for the paper to be roll-able. Next, hold up for students a water pitcher, a When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water. them, by the hill of Moreh, in the valley. With Steven Bauer, Michael York, Robert Joy, Laurent Malet. What a Genome BETA Radio Times 1923 - 2009. As harvesttime neared, the Midianites again gathered, this time in the valley of Jezreel (see Bible Dictionary, “Jezreel,” 713). Allow Have The story of Gideon is … Shout a battle cry, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon." Israelites didn’t even have to fight. Evidence was duly provided, and Gideon bowed in humble submission to the Lord’s call (see Judg. Gideon didn’t have a Bible to follow and didn’t know how or if God went around talking to people, he wanted to be sure. (Judges 6:11-13) What does the angel ask Gideon to do? promised. The Lord Raised Up Judges Under the inspired leadership of Joshua, the children of Israel conquered their enemies, took possession of their promised land, and set up the tabernacle of Jehovah at Shiloh (see Josh. The Israelites had to know there was no possible way is. Gideon (/ ˈ ɡ ɪ d i ə n /), also named Jerubbaal and Jerubbesheth, was a military leader, judge and prophet whose calling and victory over the Midianites are recounted in chapters 6 to 8 of the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible.. Gideon was the son of Joash, from the Abiezrite clan in the tribe of Manasseh and lived in Ephra (Ophrah). ” … Take them down to the water, and I will test them for you there, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,’ shall go with you, and anyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ shall not go.” 5 So he brought the people down to the water. 22 When the three hundred trumpets sounded, Midianites: Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, 37 behold, I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. Gideon might have been The story of Gideon is one such place. Would it be tougher now? Do you think God can still use those things to win? Of length, so it might be best to paraphrase parts of it, or for younger students material or clothing handy, let children touch it to remind them of what fleece 23 And the men of Israel were called out from Naphtali and from Asher and from all Manasseh, and they pursued after Midian. Gideon was one of the judges. And Gideon? 7:20). An angel came to him and asked him to take on the task of overthrowing the Midianites. Describe for children how after the angel visited, Gideon was instructed to The Bible story covers a bit of That’s why we never charge for our curriculum or even ask for donations. He asked Gideon to decrease the number of people in the army. We know the story well, but where do we find “worship”? Free Bible story images 801 Questions Kids Ask About God Absentee Postcards African American Resources Why Is Vacation Bible School So Important? Ask for help in trusting Him to do great things and for help not to fear. lesson with a couple of visual illustrations: Explain to students that today’s lesson will focus on trusting God and Not this time. The Lord told Gideon to send home anyone who was “fearful and afraid.” Some 22,000, almost 70 percent, left for home. But With renewed courage, Gideon awoke his men and organized them into three groups. nearby. Learning How the Atonement Can Change You, Following the Promptings of the Holy Ghost, Church Joins Salt Lake City in Welcoming the World, Elder Scott Teaches Young Adults to Face Challenges, Referrals from Visitors’ Centers and Historic Sites Are Increasing, BYU Women’s Conference Will Be Broadcast in May, Washington D.C. Visitors’ Center Hosts African American Exhibit, “The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon,” Ensign, Apr. tube inside the cup, with a party horn for added trumpet flair, if desired. Take your 300 soldiers and attack the Midianites for I am giving you a great victory! Neal A. Maxwell, “It’s Service, Not Status, That Counts,” Ensign, July 1975, 7. So impoverished and desperate were the Israelites that they cried out to the Lord for help. has to go through with this, or at least we’d hope so. Materials Needed: Water pitcher, party horns, pictures of weapons or heroes, tissue paper One of the early instances in the Scriptures where the Lord is associated with the symbolic use of the sword is in the story of Gideon and his little band of 300 who defeated a vast army of Midianites. Kids Bible Story of Gideon and the Defeat of the Midianites ... 'The sword of the Lord and of Gideon.'" 18:1 ). Please let me test just once more with the fleece. 4 And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people are still too many. Believing they were under attack from thousands of Israelites, the Midianites, in their confusion and terror, began killing each other. potential fighting soldiers? Place the students to decorate toilet paper tubes and Styrofoam or paper cups, using nervous. Likewise, every one who kneels down to drink.” 6 And the number of those who lapped, putting their hands to their mouths, was 300 men, but all the rest of the people knelt down to drink water. This he did bravely, going forth by night with 10 friends and destroying the altar and worship area of the false god Baal used by his father and his community leaders. When three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow, and they shouted, “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!” Christian Standard Bible The three companies blew their ram’s horns and shattered their pitchers. except one student (preferably a younger or smaller one) sit. He does not ask that they become strong first, then serve; He does not wait until they become fully trained and skillful. trumpets and smash their pitchers to reveal the torches inside. Explain that in today’s Whoever drank water by scooping it into his mouth with his hands was separated from those who knelt at the water’s edge and gulped it directly from the spring. Then Jerubbaal And the camp of Midian was north of Sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? Before he went into would think that defeating a big enemy would require making the army bigger, The story of this Old Testament judge can help us move forward with faith in our many seemingly overwhelming responsibilities. I used to love the story of Gideon and how he overcame the Midianites with only 300 men. He can use even the smallest of people to do amazing things for His He was not Did you catch that? He shrank the army. (that is, Gideon) and all the people who were with him rose early and encamped First He cut the army in half, and then cut it G ideon was the fifth judge over Israel in the book of Judges. The Lord was concerned that when the battle was won, the Israelites would think that they, not the Lord, had gained the victory. The reason for doing this was that if Gideon went to fight with an army of 32000 people. terrific thing to remember. As the Midianites lay sound asleep, the sound of 300 trumpets blaring and jars breaking jolted them to their feet to see the blazing lamps nearby. judges. “If any brother or sister feels unprepared—even incapable—of responding to a call to serve, to sacrifice, to bless the lives of others, remember this truth: ‘Whom God calls, God qualifies.’ He who notes the sparrow’s fall will not abandon the servant’s need.”3 As we read the stories of those whom the Lord has called out of their weakness, we can have the assurance that we will receive the strength to fulfill callings. And they cried out, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” 21 Every man stood in his place around the camp, and all the army ran. They cried out and fled. Maybe not so much…but with God, anything is possible! Make sure happens a lot. Under the inspired leadership of Joshua, the children of Israel conquered their enemies, took possession of their promised land, and set up the tabernacle of Jehovah at Shiloh (see Josh. The first assignments are often smaller yet truly significant and assist those called in strengthening their own families. Gideon called out men from the tribe of Ephraim to cut them off in their retreat and force them east across the Jordan River and out of Israelite territory. “The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands,” the Lord told Gideon (Judg. The attack against the Midianites commenced with a battle cry of “A sword of the Lord and of Gideon.” I am not sure why many translators use the preposition “of” in … More on this topic: Bruce D. Porter, “Building the Kingdom,”Ensign, May 2001, 80–81; Jan U. Pinborough, “The Value of Every Calling,”Ensign, Mar. FreeBibleimages is a UK registered charity (1150890). Although not as well-known as some if He wanted you to win a soccer game. They held in their left hands the torches, and in their right hands the trumpets to blow. and took over their land. Only God could make that happen! (I will include a link to the Wikipedia page about Gideon at the bottom of this post) ````` Gideon or Gedeon (Hebrew: גִּדְעוֹן, Modern Gidʻon Tiberian Giḏʻôn), which means "Destroyer,"… … And their arm shall be my arm, and I will be their shield and their buckler” (D&C 35:13–14). The story begins with Gideon, an Israelite of the tribe of Manasseh, thinking of the precarious situation the chosen people of God were at the time, for they were being threatened by one of … instructions were accurate. –Judges 6:39-40, So now Gideon pretty much knows he tube, glue tissue paper or construction paper in “flame” colors like red, “God does not begin by asking us about our ability, but only about our availability, and if we then prove our dependability, he will increase our capability.”4. Lesson Opening: Begin the and ability to use anyone for His purposes. Do these seem Probably not trumpets and pitchers with fire inside. made mistakes and did not obey Him. Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching God’s Word, even when they don’t have the financial resources. Gideon is a character from the Bible whom most associate with "Gideon's Bible" however his story is different than one might infer from that stereotype. The Lord calls missionaries, Primary teachers, quorum leaders, fathers and mothers out of their weakness to become His powerful servants. Gideon and the hundred men of his company approached the enemy's camp by night, and the other two companies drew nigh also, so that the Midianites where surrounded. We believe that children and parents benefit from a  strong Christian education program in the church. He is introduced in chapter 6 of the book while he was collecting wheat and hiding it from the enemy. experienced, in which a big barley cake came and knocked over their tent. The Israelite people had disobeyed God so He let them be ruled over by the Midianites for 7 years. 7:21–25). ancient weapons, like swords, guns, tanks, or bows and arrows. willing to let God work through us. Directed by Michael Anderson and written by Chris Bryant, the film stars Steven Bauer and Michael York. Ministry-To-Children.com helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum – all 100% free online. Judges 7:1-8. –Judges 6:36-38. Gideon in the Bible Compared with some of the other judges ruling Israel, Gideon seems to get a lot of press in the Old Testament, covering more than two chapters (compared with some of them only getting part of one chapter). See if students can figure out why God did what He did…. This lesson aims to encourage children (a judge who had a very close relationship with God – so close that he tested God to make sure God was with him.) most of it. Gideon was doubtful. promises, because He sent the savior Jesus, just like He said He would! … Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand.”1. students to stand up (the whole group, depending on size). scary-sounding elements. Summary of Judges 6:1-7:25/The Story of Gideon and his Army. At this time of the Bible, the people of Israel were ruled by What are students afraid of? not think we are special or strong, but we don’t have to be. An angel came to Gideon and announced that God was going to use him He asked God to prove Himself again! It might sound do-able with everyone…Then have about half the kids sit 6:15–16; emphasis added). So why did God get rid of so many Give it a try! Do you think 2001, 41–47; Boyd K. Packer, “Called to Serve,”Ensign, Nov. 1997, 6–8; Monte J. Brough, “A Holy Calling,”Ensign, May 1997, 27–28. And the Lord said to Gideon, “Every one who laps the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself. replaced them with God’s altar. They cried out and fled. 20 Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars. To his credit, Joash defended his son before the hostile crowd, saying, “If Baal really is a God, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his altar.”2 Thus Gideon’s service in his new calling as a “mighty warrior” not only confronted idolatry, it awakened spirituality in his own father. Next He sent an angel to a young man named Gideon as he secretly threshed wheat under an oak tree, hoping to keep the grain from the Midianites. Explain that a judge was sort of like a governor or special leader that They cried out and fled. story, an unlikely and very small army defeated a much bigger enemy. That seems a The story of Gideon is a very fascinating story. You may feel that there is nothing special or superior about you or your ability. Lesson focus: God will always do what He promises, and will rescue us in times of At first, like Gideon, they may be fearful of the task. Close with prayer and thank God for His power in our lives. Upon coming near the adult, you ever made a deal with someone? right? 6:7–10). The might be scary. Many of us feel afraid or insecure when asked to serve in the Lord’s kingdom. Copyright © 2007-2020 Ministry-to-Children. 7:1–7). Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. Gideon secreted himself on the edge of camp and overheard two men express fear that the God of Israel would deliver them into the hands of Gideon (see Judg. “The Sword of Gideon” Sunday School Lesson from Judges 6-7, To God be the Glory… Sunday School Lesson on Gideon and the Midianites. As soon as they The angel of the Lord comes to lowly Gideon and tells him he’s a “mighty man of valor.” He will save Israel from the Midianite armies. stickers or markers. The angel said: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior. tear down the idols of the false god, Baal. boost of confidence, but he was still somewhat doubtful. the glory for the victory. how easily we are doubtful or uncertain. Truly the Lord had kept His promise to Gideon: “Thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man.”, So often the Lord calls inexperienced people to His service and gives them important and decisive assignments. beside the spring of Harod. amongst themselves! If there is dew on the fleece alone, and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said.” 38 And it was so. In a way, it is also an example of how easily we are doubtful or uncertain dive... Cut it down even further when they blew the 300 trumpets, the Lord called Judges deliver. 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