james nusser gunsmoke louie

Forever our Louie. Nusser played the role more than 70 times over an 11 year period. The incomparable James Nusser. He is best remembered for his role as the town drunk, 'Louie Pheeters' in the television western, "Gunsmoke" from 1961 to 1970. Six years after Gunsmoke moved to TV, however, producer Norman MacDonnel went out on a limb and cast Nusser in the role of Dodge City’s town drunk “Louie Pheeters”. Episodes from the 1968 and 1969 tend to feature his best characterizations ("The Long … The most intriguing is Louie Pheeters, the town drunk, played by James Nusser. [1] The listing includes regular cast members, guest stars, and recurring cast members. (May 3, 1905 - June 6, 1979). This list contains notable cast members of the Gunsmoke radio and TV series, and TV movies. --His best known role is that of Dodge City's town drunk, Louie Pheeters on the long running tv series Gunsmoke. At the end of it, Louie has sworn off drink after having witnessed a murder He was an actor, known for Gunsmoke (1955), Cahill U.S. James Nusser was born on May 3, 1905 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The episode named after him was shown 16th in season 8 but filmed 2nd. He died on June 6, 1979 in Los Angeles, California, USA. He appeared in the films "Cahill: U.S. James Nusser was born on May 3, 1905 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Marshal" (1973), "Goodnight, My Love" (1972), "Menace On The Mountain" (1970), "Hail, Hero!" He was an actor, known for Gunsmoke (1955), Perry Mason (1957) and The Magical World of Disney (1954). He was an actor, known for Gunsmoke (1955), Perry Mason (1957) and The Magical World of Disney (1954). Marshal (1973) and One Girl's Confession (1953). James Nusser (born in Cleveland Ohio in 1905) played various roles on radio’s Gunsmoke, but because he was an alcoholic in real life, most directors were reluctant to cast him. He died on June 6, 1979 in Los Angeles, California, USA. See full bio » He died on June 6, 1979 in Los Angeles, California, USA. James Nusser was born on May 3, 1905 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Trivia (1)

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