Regional Structure Plans (Soon to be finalized) Land Use Management Scheme (LUMS) Upon receipt of the notice envisaged in subsection (5) above and after compliance with subsection (7) above, the, An endorsement in terms of subsection (11) above shall be brought forward as a condition of title in any subsequent deed of transfer of the whole or the remainder of the. Whether a decision was taken on the complete application by the, impose a condition that the applicant shall pay to, Any condition imposed in terms of subsection (4) and (6) above shall be set out in a schedule to the proclamation envisaged in section 49 of the, Only an application for subdivision in respect of, A letter, accompanied by a plan showing the proposed subdivision and/or, The name, postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the person submitting the application; and, With a subdivision application, such condition may include a condition that the owner shall pay to, open spaces, and such amount shall be determined by. Get a planning report for a property, land parcel or crown land showing planning zones, overlays and related information. View Result for Housing Scheme Draw; Road Works. cancel the approval of an application submitted in terms of section 33(1) above; amend or delete any condition imposed in terms of section 33(6) above or add any conditions to those already imposed; and, approve an amendment of the plan setting out the proposed subdivision and/or, The City may not approve an application envisaged in section 33(1) above if it will bring about a result which is in conflict with, any condition set out in the schedule as envisaged in section 28(15) on which the. Chapter 2 – Application of by-law, alignment of authorisations and general provisions applicable to an application, 5. cancel any endorsement made by him in terms of subsection (11) above. After the notice envisaged in subsection (14) above and after compliance with subsections (5), (9),(10) and (11) above, With effect from the date of the notice envisaged in subsection (15) above, the ownership in any public road in a. that any condition as set out in the schedule envisaged in subsection 28(15) above has been complied with; the provisions of section 28(17) above in respect of the transfer of, subject to section 28(16) above, all outstanding external, may within a period of 6 months from the date of the notice, or such further period as. No decision on the application shall be taken unless due regard has been given to each objection, comment and representation lodged timeously. Establishment of Municipal Planning Tribunal, 14. Always get a professional legal opinion. Copies of the relevant registered title deeds of all the erven to be consolidated; If the erven are subject to a mortgage bond, full details of such bond holder as well as the bond holder’s consent relevant to the application; A plan showing the cadastral information of the component erven; the area of the land and distinctive numbers and areas of the portions; roads, their names, widths and connections with existing streets or roads in adjoining areas; water-courses, railways, pipe lines, power lines, existing public roads and all servitudes in or abutting the land; by means of a distinctive notation, the sites/erven proposed to be reserved for specific purposes; A locality plan as an inset on the subdivisional plan showing-. authorising any other appropriate relief. View a list of guides produced by Planning Panels Victoria on their processes and hearings, Find general information about what types of reports Planning Panels Victoria prepare and view previously released reports, View senior panel member profiles and the sessional member list of Planning Panels Victoria (PPV), Find information about Environment Effects Statements (EES), the assessment process in Victoria, and projects that have been referred for or are undergoing assessment, Browse the list of projects referred for decision on requirements for environmental assessment, Browse a list of projects under assessment for environmental impact, Learn about recently completed projects under the Environment Effects Act 1978 since 2007, In Victoria, environment assessment of the potential environmental impacts or effects of a proposed development may be required. The City may, either of its own accord or upon a written application by any person, permanently close a, A written application for the closing of a, Whether it is a written application submitted by any person or an application initiated by, Such notice shall reflect full details of the application including, but not limited to, the relevant street or portion of street to be closed or diverted (if applicable), the name of the applicable, Such notice shall further reflect that the application and its accompanied plan will lie open for inspection at specified times and at specified places at. In addition to the requirements in subsections (a) to (h) above, a letter shall also be dispatched within 7 days of date of first display of the notice envisaged in subsection (a) above to the owners/occupiers of all contiguous erven, including those on the opposite side of a street or lane by registered post, by hand or by any other means available informing such owners/occupiers of all the detail as prescribed in subsections (f), (g) and (h) above. In addition to the requirements in subsections (a) and (f) above, a letter shall also be dispatched within 7 days of date of the publication of the notice envisaged in subsection (a) above to the owners/occupiers of all contiguous erven, including those on the opposite side of a street or lane by registered post, by hand or by any other means available informing such owners/occupiers of all the detail as prescribed in subsection 3(b) to (e) above. failing which, the objection may be deemed to be invalid and may be disregarded. Overall the MSS provides the vision and policy for determining the future land use allowed and its spatial distribution within a municipality and the rationale for the zone and overlay requirements and particular provisions in that council’s planning scheme. Where an application has been approved in terms of subsection (3) above.
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