ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LOG IN WITH THE USER NAME AND PASSWORD AND START BROWSING, BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE DOCUMENTARIES & INTERVIEWS SECTION IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP DASHBOARD. This is ideal if you want to burn a CD, or listen in a location where internet access is limited, or not available. We are a conscious platform for online webinars, livestreams, live events & tours on many topics with a range of amazing presenters, As a FREE member you receive access to 100’s of hours of presentations, Orange County, CA(323), Book a Private Session with NeilTestimonialsPast Live EventsFAQs, Affiliate Sign UpAffiliate Sign In / Login, Copyright © 2020 Portal to Ascension :: Terms and Conditions, James Redfield: Celestine Prophecy – Sedona 4/11, Welcome to the Portal to Ascension family. 3) Past Webinars are accessible through your Membership Dashboard. Although we specialize in Online Courses, we are also excited to be hosting events and live sessions. You are more than you’ve ever imagined. This set of 18 studio-recorded ultralight energy transmissions focuses on expanding you into greater empowerment, expanding your capacity as creators and anchor a deeper level of clearing. Portal to Ascension has become a conscious multimedia platform that provides a vast range of awareness on many topics with presenters, researchers, archaeologists, quantum physicists, spiritualist and more. With mind-blowing ideas, experiences, and pathways that will shine a bright light on your journey and help you connect to the YOU you’ve been trying to find. This 'Ascension Library' is designed to be your personalized portal to living a life of passion and purpose. aquamarine ascension membership. Your Online Portal For Everything Ascension. WELCOME TO THE AQUAMARINE PORTAL, A SACRED SPACE AND HELD CONTAINER OF THE ORGANIC NEW EARTH ASCENSION. Clearing karmic blocks, then anchoring and activating YOUR Divine feminine and masculine authentic soul self. Learning and Living this life they are teaching about. Each knows how you're feeling on this journey because they've been there too. 13-days of transformation with the energies from of Goddess Golden Tara recorded LIVE with Judy Satori in the Sacred Land of Ladakh, northern India. This will allow you to save MP3 audio files from any library program to your computer. Browse Our Courses. BREAKING THROUGH, is a FREE six-week process of channeled information and energy transmissions from Judy Satori to support your physical and consciousness transformation. family of light! This is the home of Ascension, of Learning, Growing, Evolving, and most importantly of Love. Our easy to use secure site gives you access to your health information anytime. A place where people with vision could share their voices and special gifts with everyone, equally. Her wisdom is profound. Contents . Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update Ascension is working to keep our communities healthy during this time and prevent the spread of infection while continuing to care for those who need us most. DISCOVER ancient origins • UNCOVER hidden truths • RECOVER your true identity, Orange County, CA(323), Book a Private Session with NeilTestimonialsPast Live EventsFAQs, Affiliate Sign UpAffiliate Sign In / Login, Copyright © 2020 Portal to Ascension :: Terms and Conditions, James Redfield: Celestine Prophecy – Sedona 4/11, Be informed of revolutionary awareness that is shifting the paradigm, Unlimited replay access during membership period, Be informed of cutting edge awareness that is shifting the paradigm. Sign up above to receive an email with access to and view hours of free presentations & documentaries. 1) Check your email for the Access Info to view your webinar! The Order of Ascension are a group of former Guthixians based in the Monastery of Ascension, found in a dungeon north-west of Oo'glog. ASCENSION & YOU is our 90minute LIVE show, where we delve deeper into a range of spirit-led topics to assist us ALL to a greater level of clarity in these evolutive times. The Transcripts of Mary Magdalene is three part Trilogy inspired by Judy's experiences with the spirit of Mary Magdalene on several trips to the caves of La Sainte Baume in France where she spent the final phases of her life. Ascension is working to keep our communities healthy during this time and prevent the spread of infection while continuing to care for those who need us most. What if I told you there is more to life what you’ve been told? Each Master Instructor sets their own prices and even offers free classes from time to time. THE AQUAMARINE ASCENSION PORTAL IS CURATED TO ASSIST A COMMUNITY OF LIKE-HEARTED INDIVIDUALS ALIGN TO THEIR OPTIMUM TIMELINE WITHIN THE ORGANIC ASCENSION TIMELINE OF HUMANITY. The Tools You Need To Manage Your Health. Access a more expanded matrix of divine creation with 6 hours of live masterclass recordings, 24 Ultralight Energy Transmissions from St. Germain, three discussion sessions and four live teaching sessions. Join Judy Satori’s Online Unity Community and receive the monthly Ascension Life eMagazine with teachings from Spirit, gifts, LIVE event information and special offers. You are more than you’ve ever imagined. That YOU are more than you’ve been allowed to be? ", "One of the most down to earth yet deeply cosmic Wayshowers on the planet ... lives her life from the heart wisdom and guidance from spirit in all that she does ", Access the Library FREE for the first 5-days.
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